The Pantry In Green Mountain Falls, Colorado
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At The Pantry , we are proud to have received the following recognition for our contributions to the Green Mountain Falls community.  Put our expertise to work for you.
"A True Colorado Gold Mine"
Well, if you want something both fun and different for breakfast....oh and what about lunch....or how about dinner on a warm summer's evening...lets all pile in the car and head to the Pantry.....
"Toast of the Town! "
The last thing you want to do as a critic is tarnish your favorite gem by making it too popular.  ...disciples come from miles around...for a breakfast table.
"Pantry serves streamside"'s about having it all.  With natural ambience, fresh fruit, omelettes made to order, biscuits, cinnamon roles, bacon and sausage is an ode to a Colorado summer...
News and Reviews for The Pantry 
Events Sponsored by The Pantry 
Organizations/Group Customers
The Ladies of the Red Hat
At The Pantry , we are proud to sponsor the following events which feed the spirit of the Green Mountain Falls community.  Bringing people together.
Special Events at The Pantry 
At The Pantry , we are please to serve your special events requirements.   The Garden's backyard patio is available for weddings and private parties.  For more information, call 719 684-9018.
Authentically country without the artificial kitsch. The Pantry sits at the edge of the lake in Green Mountain Falls and serves hearty breakfast plates with surprising finesse.
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